Month: June 2010

  • Please Stand Up…Please Stand Up

    YO Slim Shady, where you get yo jacket, yo?

  • They Definitely Went Beyond Infinity

    Toy Story 3

    Best movie of the trilogy. 
    Deeply profound. 
    Completely fresh (in fact, CERTIFIED fresh by Rotten Tomatoes)

    GO SEE IT.

    So far, this is my favorite movie of the summer….NO…favorite movie of 2010.

  • It Only Took Me 30 Years…

    OK, ok…that’s a tiny bit of an exaggeration.  I only found out I needed glasses after getting headaches during my freshman year of college, but come on, that was 1997. 
    And that’s clearly FOREVER ago.

    I remember the sensation of first wearing the frames.  It was weird.  I remember vividly walking out of the eye doctor’s office with my new prescription glasses on and feeling a slight bit off-kilter.  And a hair dizzy.  

    Today, I revisited that same sensation of weirdness as I walked out of the Kaiser Vision Essentials office in Pasadena with my first ever CONTACT LENSES in my eyes.  And by in, I really mean THEY REALLY TOUCH YOUR EYEBALLS.  So weird.

    I love them.

    I have worn them for a whole day and I love them.  Love, love, LOVE them. 

    And now…I get to wear SUNGLASSES!!!!!

    I’m so happy…

  • A Very Uncharacteristic Blog Post

    GO LAKERS!!!

    I can’t wait to watch the game tonight!  There is just no other rush like watching Colby Bryant steal the ball after a fumble, dribble all the way down court to make a field goal from the Three Throw line!  And MAN, how about those slap dunks!!  I LOVE ‘EM!  So exciting…

  • Why I Love Being Married

    Christy:  “Honey, will you find out what smells like poop in our house?  I think it’s coming from somewhere over by the bookcase…”

    Me: “Sure.  I will find the poop smell.”

    And this is my day.

    (poop smell hunt, COMMENCE)

  • Dear Steve Jobs, Don’t Let Me Down…


    Monday starts Apple’s annual WWDC conference…and me thinks Steve Jobs will announce a new iPhone. 

    There has been a lot of speculation, rumors, and even an alleged new iPhone that someone “found” in a bar somewhere…but Monday, the truth will come out…

    AND I.  CAN’T.  WAIT.

    Come on, Steve…don’t disappoint. 

    One.  Billion.  Songs.