Month: December 2008

  • The Mind of a Child…

    This is a REAL conversation that I had with my 7 year-old son today while sledding in the back yard at Grandma/Grandpa’s house:

    (pointing to a pile of deer poop)

    N: What is that?
    Me: Oh, that’s deer poop. Don’t touch it…
    N: Huh…it looks like beans…
    Me: Beans? Really?
    N: Yeah! It looks like a big pile of beans!
    Me: Yeah, I guess it does. It looks like black beans from Baja Fresh!
    N: No. COF-FEE beans!


    Me: (Thinking about all the coffee I drink…) Yes, you’re right…it looks like coffee beans too…

    …let’s go inside…

  • Christmas Videos!

    Even with all of my amazing interwebbing skills (I almost typed “skillz” HAHA) I still cannot seem to find out WHY the video of Nathaniel is not synced up with the audio…it’s just stupid.

    Nathaniel is the first video, and Noah (5 year-old with Autism) is the video on the bottom.


  • For Those of You That Use the Internet for Something OTHER than Facebook

    …Or, if you’re not my facebook friend already…

    Here are some SWEET pictures from the Broadway style musical my wife and I just directed. These people are the BOMB, and 100% volunteers. But heck, if you had watched the show, you’d have never known they weren’t professionals…

    There are two separate facebook albums to see…above is linked the first, and here is the second.

    Just click over and you can see them. There are about 80 pictures, but I will only hold you accountable to tell me details about half of them. There will be a quiz the next time I see you in person…

    A sampling to whet your appetite…






    My orchestra rocks.

  • Noah vs. The Autism

    In the ongoing battle of “Noah vs. The Autism”, so far Noah is winning…

    Many parents wait, hope, and pray that some day their autistic child will utter just a few words…maybe it’s “Mama” or “I love you” or some simple phrase like that.
    If you are one of those people, my heart goes out to you. Communication with your child is precious…the ability to say “I want this” or “I’m sad” is something we too often take for granted.

    I am extremely thankful that our son’s speech has absolutely exploded in this past year. Not only is Noah talking very well, he is communicating about emotions, ideas, observations, and several other abstract concepts that a 5 year-old that was diagnosed with mild to severe autism only 3 years ago would not normally be able to describe. The detail of Noah’s speech is fantastic. He is almost able to communicate with us about anything he wishes…even if it is a slightly odd manner, (Shakka, when the walls fell).

    Beyond Noah’s ability to communicate, he is developing the ability to function very well in normal circumstances. His growth in school is astounding. Again–the fact that he is in a general ed. classroom is just mind-blowing.

    On top of that…today was a huge milestone for our dear one.

    He sang a SOLO in our church’s production of “The Christmas County Spelling Bee”, and kicked butt doing it (if I say so, myself).
    I have a still pic here, but I video-taped it and will upload it as soon as possible for all of the interwebs to see…

    We are very thankful and blessed that Noah is making so much progress, and quite proud of his performance today. What a guy!!


  • And He Gets The Award for “Most Creative Stocking Stuffer”…

    This is a precious email I got today from my wife…HAHAHAHAHA

    Picture 9

    The cutest part about this is that he REALLY THOUGHT that was what he was supposed to do…ahhhhh such sweet innocence.

  • I Know You’re Jealous…

    Today it is pouring rain in Burbank…finally…FINALLY we have some winter.

    After it was 85 degrees for the entire month of November I had
    convinced myself that global warming was cooking us all slowly and/or
    some phenomenon had caused the earth to fall out of its axis and we
    were hurling towards the sun…
    ok maybe not…but it was bleak.

    So today?
    Today I am thankful for the weather.
    Thankful that I will sit for an extra hour on the freeway.
    Thankful that I won’t be able to wear flip-flops.
    Thankful to be in my studio (even though it’s sub-zero temperatures in here due to the fact that there’s NO HEATER!)

    Thankful for the rain.

    So what is the perfect compliment to today?

    You know it.

    Hot cocoa.

  • When it Rains, it POURS

    You’ve heard that old adage, “When it rains, it pours”?

    Well…that would CERTAINLY be true for this past weekend…

    Christy and I wrapped our biggest Broadway-style musical last night. The crowds were amazing, the cast was on fire, and the music was cookin’.
    It was awesome…and totally all-consuming. I’m actually quite proud of my wife, who pulled off this HUGE show–and made it look really professional–with over a hundred volunteers…that’s over A HUNDRED people in the cast and crew…eeks!

    I’m also proud of all those that were involved. We were really blessed to have a ton of people that put everything they had into their part, no matter how big or small it was. It’s just astounding to see that many people sold out to make good art.

    Love it.

    So, on Thursday while we were driving down for our final dress rehearsal we got the call that Nathaniel booked his first commercial (so exciting)…AND THEN, I got a call from a friend of a friend for some help in making sheet music and tracks for a Broadway audition…(which is awesome—-and we’re talking about the real deal, you know…Broadway in NYC…not just the everyman’s “Broadway”). So I got busy doing all of that in between show times and stuff…

    and I love it.

    Anywho–a HUGE thanks to all involved in “All on a Christmas Day”. You all rock.
    Thanks for being awesome.

    And if you happened to come see the show, thanks for your support! What a great audience you were!!!

    And now…


  • A Breakthrough!

    “The Next Brad Pitt” just booked his first commercial today!


    He shoots all day Wednesday…


  • Weirdness Abounds

    Our poor kids.

    We are so weird.

    I’m hoping that N& N don’t get too discombobulated from the fact that we live in two houses (one with a microwave, and one without), have two sets of friends, sleep weird hours, and drive in the middle of the night and/or morning…I’m HOPING that they just learn to be adaptable and flexible in any and all situations.

    At least…that’s what I’m hoping.

    And please–don’t get me wrong–I have no beef with our situation. In fact, I wouldn’t trade it for the world. Somehow the fact that I am living in San Diego 5 days this week and in Burbank the other two AND that it is the opposite of what generally happens doesn’t bother me in the slightest.  I’m having a wonderful, challenging, and fulfilling time doing what I’m doing, and I’m extremely grateful for it. Noah has been getting a little weird about going to the Nursery during our choir practices and such. I’ve been letting him sit in to watch our dress rehearsals (with a long list of conditions, of course…he has to sit in ONE chair and stay there, he has to be quiet the entire time, and so on…) and it’s been OK. He just has recently starting balling his big Noah tears whenever we take him over there, so either he’s learning the good ole “Cry-to-get-my-way” trick, or he’s genuinely saddened by being apart from us all. I don’t know yet which it is, but alas, I’m a sucker for my little one.

    There is a lot of stuff going on in the world right now–lots to talk about.
    An F-18 jet crashed into two houses in La Jolla yesterday, killing 3 people. The pilot ejected safely…
    Tribune-something-or-other (the company that is responsible for the L.A. Times and the New York Times, along with several other media outlets including KTLA Channel 5) filed for Bankruptcy today…and the “big three” car companies are still vying for a bailout from the government. And I haven’t had any work as composer/arranger in Burbank for several weeks (except for one arrangement that I need to finish for a friend).
    These are wild times.
    I’m taking it one day at a time.

    And I’m sooooooooooo thankful for Midway.
    What a great place!

  • Uh Oh…

    Last weekend Noah was throwing up…he was surprisingly chipper except for the few moments right before and after he puked. We had Thanksgiving weekend fun regardless…he was OK.

    Then Tuesday Christy started feeling sick WITH A DIFFERENT BUG.

    All the way home from San Diego (in the early AM) she was very, very ill.

    And she still is…
    She felt better last night but has relapsed into sickness this morning…AHHHHHH!!! The house no lookey-goodey without mommy…


    THHHHEEEEEEENNNNN….Nathaniel wakes up this morning feeling rotten…and ++THIS JUST IN++ has thrown up.


    I MUST.