Month: February 2008

  • …Like a Sieve

    I lead a double life. Well…maybe a triple or quadruple life. Or you might just say that I wear a lot of different “hats”.
    Dad, Husband, Associate Registrar, Worship Pastor, Freelance Arranger, Composer, Grad Student…and unfortunately, the list goes on…

    Not that I’m complaining, mind you! I enjoy my plate being full and the challenges that life brings. It’s just that right now, I’m learning so much new stuff that I feel like my brain might be on overload…AND, I think that I’m losing old stuff in order to learn the new, like an airplane that has to toss it’s luggage overboard to be able to get off the ground (no sympathy required, thanks). It’s actually really fun, I just feel like a ditz sometimes because I can’t remember some stuff. Weird.

    I also operate on this “checklist” kind of mentality. I get a million emails a day (yes, that’s one MILLION emails) and they don’t get out of my inbox until I’ve completed the action required of me by said email, or given a proper response. But once I HAVE done that, I quickly get it out of my inbox and into a saved folder–highly organized, of course–for future reference. Out of sight, out of mind. And I mean REALLY out of mind.

    In other news, I actually am going to take a small break tonight (while I can) and go see Semi-Pro, the new Will Ferrell flick. It’s bound to be awful.
    Awfully funny, that is…

    Disney guy called again (YES!) and he’s sending more work tomorrow. I’m so stoked.

    We also went to the Catalina Jazz Bar and Grill last night to see a good friend perform with a full big band. It was really awesome. The place was super classy and the music was fantastic. Big band is always fun!

  • Coffee


    I’m in training today for a special university project and they ordered the famous APU cookies. Man…these things are amazing. UH–MAZE–ING!
    I’d save you one, but…I couldn’t.

    I haven’t had coffee in a week.

    This is the first day  I actually feel tired.

  • Updates

    A few minor details about my life lately:

    Yes, I’m still training for the marathon in November.
    We’re running 5 miles this weekend–and by “we” I mean 5 of us from my
    office at APU. I’m actually quite thankful to be doing this with
    friends, because I hardly would have the motivation to do it by myself.
    Let me just say this: training for a marathon is HARD! It’s kicking my
    butt right now…in a good way.

    Christy made taco salad tonight, and it was awesome.

    My two sons are getting more and more precious all the time. Nathaniel
    is playing basketball in a little city league, and he likes it more
    than soccer (for now. He’ll soon learn that basketball is stupid and
    soccer is the universal sport, and awesomer than basketball). Noah is
    talking like a crazy-man. He is SO verbal now, and it’s hard to imagine
    where all those words are coming from. It’s amazing to watch his mind
    learn. Also, he is very crabby in the morning.
    Every Monday we have a “daddy night”, when Christy is at class until
    11pm. Last night we went to dinner at In-N-Out and came home to play
    Lego Star Wars.  I also bought some sorely needed dress shoes with a
    handy $50 off certificate for Mens Wearhouse.

    I’m finally finishing scoring for the Zombie movie “Love Bites”. It’s a
    student film, and I promised to do it last Fall and got too busy.
    Thankfully, the director let me finish it instead of finding someone
    else. It’s proving to be a great challenge, but fun.

    I’ve started participating in a university-wide project at APU that
    will last until at least March 2009. This is also enjoyable because it
    is something that will have a lasting impact on the APU community (for
    at least 15-20 years) and will affect every end-user. I’m happy to be a
    part of it.

    We had the CBU Male Chorale at Midway on Sunday night. It was great.
    I’ve arranged about 6 or 8 songs for them, and never heard them
    performed live–but finally did. Very fun. Judd has done a fine job,
    and it was nice to hear them perform.

    Easter is going to be here in a JIF! Holy cow!

    I found an awesome new cereal. It is Fiber One (which has a lot of fiber, whole wheat, and protein) and tastes like Cinnamon Toast Crunch. I love it! They also have kick-butt fiber bars that taste awesome. Check out the chocolate ones.
    Picture 1

    Speaking of fiber…here’s my favorite quote from Tina Fey as host on SNL this week (from an appearance on Update):

    “I think we can all agree it’s a great time to be a lady in America, and not just because of that new yogurt that helps you poop. Although, on the serious, thank you for that yogurt.”

  • Narnia Nerds (with additions!)

    EDIT ADD #2:
    Some other inquiries about Prince Caspian (one of them is pretty long…)

    >>>I know you don’t know me, but I just had an urgent question about
    the Narnia movie. I have heard a disturbing rumor that Susan and
    Caspian kissed; could you tell me if this is true?

    Yes. This is true. Susan and Caspian kiss right before she (and
    bros/lucy) head back to England from Narnia.


    >>Could you tell me the reasoning behind the night raid at Miraz’ castle?

    I think they wanted to strike first–take the element of surprise. I can’t remember a whole lot about that, though…

    >>How would you define Reepicheep?

    Hardly memorable. I was a little disappointed in the voice they
    chose for the character. However, it was a little difficult to tell
    because the CGI was not done. He might have more of a character once he
    actually is moving and not just a little gray cylinder…but he was
    nothing to write home about.

    >>Is there any type of romance between Caspian and Susan?

    Yes. They flirt, he rescues her, they kiss at the very end. It was actually very good.

    >>Does Caspian condone bringing back the White Witch?

    Condone? Hm…I wouldn’t say so. It was more like he was coerced at
    an emotionally vulnerable time by Nickabrik. I don’t think he really
    knew what was going on until after it was already happening–then he
    was drawn in by the white witch’s evil/seductive power. It was actually
    a REALLY awesome scene–one of my favorites. But I wouldn’t say he
    CONDONED it.

    >>Does the White Witch talk at all or break out of the ice?

    Yes, she talks–but Edmund breaks the ice before she gets out.

    >>Does Edmund at some point in the movie say something to the effect of “Bother, I’ve lost my torch in Narnia!”?

    Yes–I think verbatim.

    >>Does Peter dive in the water to save Trumpkin?

    I think he does…someone did, but I forget who. I’m pretty sure it was Peter…

    >>Does the movie start in Narnia with Caspian or on Earth with the Pevensies?

    It starts with the birth of Prince Caspian’s nephew or whatever–in Narnia.

    >>Is Miraz assassinated by Sopespian?

    Um…I don’t know who Sopespian is. But he was assassinated by a
    Lord, someone close to him. I don’t know the characters that well,

    >>Does Peter pass his sword onto Caspian?

    Yes. Gloriously.

    >>Where is Lucy during the night raid?

    She stays back at the ruins.

    >>Would you say this movie was more or less humorous than the last one?

    Much more–in a really tasteful way. It wasn’t silly or goofy at all. It was great.

    >>Is there a fight between Trumpkin and Nikabrik?

    I don’t remember.

    >>Is there a duel of sorts between Edmund and Trumpkin?

    Yes, right after they meet.

    >>Why do Peter and Caspian fight?

    They disagree about strategy. It’s a power struggle type of thing…

    >>Could you tell me what “Lucy’s Journey” is about?

    She goes to find Aslan, but I went to the bathroom right then, so I’m fuzzy on the details.

    EDIT ADD: (Narnia)
    See the comments section below for some stuff on Prince Caspian. I’m also going to see if one of the people that messaged me wouldn’t mind me posting their questions (along with my answers) for all to see here…

    You know who is the most ridiculous artist in the world? Mika. This dude’s a fruit! I just caught his performance tonight on Jay Leno…sooooo weird…and completely childish!

    I love this blog. I’m completely addicted.

    Have I mentioned that I’ve received message after message from Narnia Nerds that are asking all kinds of questions about Prince Caspian?
    I don’t really mind…but just ask the questions in my comments section, eh? That way the whole interwebs can see them! (and the answers)

    And finally:
    Today I was able to call upon my extensive knowledge of the Star Trek universe to quote ST II: TWOK during a meeting at work…
    “The needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few, or the one.”–Spock

    Good Times.

  • Final Interviews

    I did two final interviews yesterday for my grad school project, one with Bruce Broughton and one with Joe Alfuso.

    The first interview was a little depressing. I’m not sure why, but it was. I think Bruce was a little bit more cynical than other people I had interviewed, or maybe just a realist–I’m not sure which. But I left his house pretty bummed about life. I drove around Westwood for a while and finally parked right outside a Corner Bakery…they have free Wifi, so it was perfect.
    The next interview was with Joe–a guy I’ve done some work for recently and have never met in person until last night. It was great! I met him at his studio in Hollywood (right across the street from Paramount Studios) and we went down to this little Mexican restaurant for dinner and the interview. I really like Joe–he is one of those guys that never neglects an opportunity to teach–and that type of person really inspires me. Joe could have easily never called me again after I did some work for him the first time. My stuff was by no means fantastic. I had to redo it a few times to get it right, and although sometimes this is normal, I don’t think it was in this instance. Joe showed great patience and offered guidance–a real rarity, and something that is really cool…

    All that to say, my faith is renewed.

    Marathon update:
    I have not started training yet…I cannot seem to get out of bed in the morning. This is not a good sign.
    The good news is that my training schedule has some leeway in it (about two weeks worth). So even if I don’t start this week, I’ll still be OK with the way the dates fall…but I’ve GOT to get back in the habit of getting up earlier…yikes!!!

  • Steve

    My interview with Steve Bartek was amazing. Absolutley amazing.

    So I am sitting there with one of my all-time favorite musicians–an absolute hero of mine in the film scoring world–and I’m thinking to myself, “How can I hang out with this guy more often?”

    I knew that I would kick myself if I didn’t–so I asked him if I could come down and hang out like a ‘fly-on-the-wall’ at one of his upcoming recording sessions…he casually answers yes and says there is one in a couple of weeks and to email him when it was a bit closer…

    SWEET! I can’t wait!
    A piece of advice I am getting from all of these (4 so far and 2 next week) interviews I’m doing is that I should be scoring as many student films as I possibly can in order to get some experience in it and get some credits out there.
    So that’s what I’m going to do…I have one I’m going to finish, and I’m going to look for some more after that…

    OH–and a bunch of people from my office are going to be running the Pasadena Marathon in November. I’m going to join them. I have a training schedule, resources…and now the motivation to run again. Not to mention that running a marathon was one of  the 3 goals I want to accomplish before I turn 30. If I complete this, I’ll just need to finish my master’s degree and I will have accomplished them all!

  • Narnia

    We just went to a preview screening of PRINCE CASPIAN and it totally rocked. We were the first audience to see the film, and since this was the first screening there were about 40 of the studio big-wigs there to observe (including the director of the film).

    I absolutely loved it. It was humorous, action-packed, grand in scope and story, and a family film that is full of value and character. I highly recommend that you go see it when it is released in the theatres in May.
    This movie was way better than the first film. Really…

    What a cool night!

  • Interview Mania!

    For my grad class this quarter I have to interview at least three people that are really successful in the field I’m studying.

    I interviewed Lenny Lacroix, a legendary arranger that wrote for 8 Oscar shows and tons of people you’ve all heard of. 
    I interviewed Mike Lacari, an Emmy Award winning TV composer at his studio in Orange County.
    I’m interviewing Bruce Broughton next week, and am planning on interviewing Joe Alfuso at his studio in Hollywood next week also.

    But tonight…

    Tonight I received an email back from Steve Bartek, letting me know he’d be available for an interview!
    For those of you that are unfamiliar with Steve’s work, he’s the one behind Danny Elfman’s scores. This is the guy that really brought you Batman, Edward Scissorhands, The Simpsons, Men in Black, Mars Attacks, Good Will Hunting, Spider-Man, Tales from the Crypt, The Frighteners, Mission Impossible (the 1996 one), The Nightmare Before Christmas, and many, many more!

    This dude is by far my most favorite orchestrator to date. I love his work and the texture and color he brings to the orchestral score. I can’t believe I’ll get to interview him!
    So great!

  • Cloverfart


    I love J.J. Abrams. I think he’s brilliant, and an amazing storyteller. So naturally I have been stoked about the release of his latest masterpiece, Cloverfield. As you probably know, my schedule lately has been hectic on mind, body, and soul…so I wasn’t able to see Cloverfield until tonight.
    Except I didn’t see it…

    I had to leave.
    Because if I hadn’t, I would have thrown up all over the theater floor.

    Ugh. I feel sick just writing about it.

    I think it was the camera work…and there ARE warnings about it everywhere in the theater before you go in. Of course, I thought those wouldn’t apply to me because I’m manly enough to withstand the shaky, camcorder-like filming style. But no. It made me totally sick. I’m bummed…

    But I did see the Star Trek trailer before the movie started. That is going to be SO good.