Month: October 2006

  • Some days crawl along, and some days fly by. Why is that? I mean, obviously, it’s our own perception, but it still seems odd to me. I’m on this schedule during the work week that is just jam-packed. Most days I’m left at the end of it exhausted and wondering where the day went. Then you go to bed and the whole thing starts again the next day. Yikes.
    Mike made a good point to Christy on the phone the other day. He said that this time in our lives is a transition time, and things will soon change for us in many regards. Hopefully they will change soon. I think I may take a quarter off school to work on the arrangements for Concordia–it’s the only way I see that it would get done on time.

    I did get a break and watched Studio 60 with Christy the other day-I liked it very much! Kudos to Matthew Perry, he’s doing great being Not-Chandler. Plus, it’s a really well written show.

    Speaking of Mike, he needs to blog more. Seriously, that boy and Saturday Night Live are my only links to what is happening in current events. I know, it’s sad, but true. I need Mike to blog or this world go explode and I’d only know about it ’cause it would be on Weekend Update the following Saturday…

    Yeah, and Weekend Update this week was GREAT. Way better than the last few…

    Back to work!

  • I had to write a melody to a given chord progression for last night’s
    commercial songwriting class. It didn’t take me very long to do it this
    past week–but (of course) was pretty nervous to go to class because we
    all had to play/sing our melodies for the class for critique. Everybody
    was nervous…so it was nice to know we were all in the same boat on
    that…anywho-did it and it went great. She actually said it was
    perfect and complete. “Put words to it, it’s done–it’s a perfect
    song–very commercial” she said. WOW. Never expected that.
    It totally blew me away. Other people also had positive feedback.
    I think I was
    blown away, mostly because other people’s songs were good too, so it’s
    not like while I was listening to other people do theirs (before I did
    mine) I was thinking mine was better. They all had good melodies, too.
    I was shocked, pleasantly. Needless to say, I’m gaining confidence in
    my “songwriting”–although it was really only melody writing. This week
    I have to write a chord progession and melody to a set of lyrics and
    song outline. This will be interesting.

    Our new car was doing something REALLY weird last night on the way home from school, so I stopped at a Starbucks to call Christy and arrange for her to come pick me up and drop off the van at the dealer (thank God we got the extended warranty) even though they were closed by this time. I made a couple other calls and got a drink and then got back in the car to drive over to the dealer and the problem was fixed. Poop. Although I should be grateful that Starbucks healed my van, it also makes it harder now because the dealer will think nothing is wrong. In fact, he called this morning after test driving it and said he couldn’t find anything wrong. Darn it! I told him to keep checking, blah blah blah. Oh well, just an inconvenience, not something stressful. Props to Christy for getting the big-huge-warranty-that-cost-extra-money to cover things like this.

    In other news, we had a parent-teacher conference for Nathaniel today and it was awesome. He is doing really well in his class, and we are just so pleased with his school. Nathaniel is recognizing patterns and reading books and doing all kinds of things that he is learning in his classroom. We are so proud! Yay for our bright, cute little boy!

    LOST=Awesome. I loved it.
    30 Rock=much funnier than the past two weeks. Less Tracy Morgan and more other people was good. If things go on like this, I will definitely keep watching.
    The Nine=didn’t watch, will have to download and watch while working out. While I wouldn’t watch this show on TV normally, I will watch it on my iPod while working out. I guess that’s something

    Hopefully we’ll get our cable/DVR/Internet installed today.

  • Frustration and stress from every side!! UGH!

    I wish there were more hours in the day.

    However, let’s be honest, if there were 27 hours in a day, we’d all still want more…This year has not been the year of balance for me. Thank you, 2005, for being a very balanced year. 2006, I don’t like you as much, you’ve been meaner and harsher. On the flipside, I have waded through the muds of change and grown quite a bit in 2006–and not all change is hard, some of it has been easy.

    Thank you, Lord for our house.

    What music inspires me? What music gives me chills?
    Two kinds–great film music and great choral music. Listening to certain pieces from either genre has spoken to my soul the most often out anything I’ve played, heard, directed, or written. I think film music draws emotion out of me that is experienced during the film itself, triggering the emotion in memory and reliving it vicariously through the music. Choral music does the same type of thing, but it is generally emotion brought out through the text from a life experience or feeling about
    God as opposed to something I watched through film.

    The iPod turns 5 today. You can read about it and watch the original unveiling here.
    Just think, Nathaniel and the iPod were born about the same time…interesting…hm…now I’ll never forget how old the iPod is…

    Our new house is awesome. We are blessed beyond belief to be in such a great place. Our kids love it playing in the back yard!

    Thanks to all that helped this weekend. We had invaluable help from our church, and we definitely could not have done it without our parents! Thank you so much, Mom & Dad for bringing down the grand piano and installing the screen door and getting the gas dryer, and so much more!

    We actually got some rest yesterday after all of the moving on Saturday…we’re still reeling from the move and just love being in this place! God willing, if the market ever comes down, and the option ever came up, it’s the kind of place we would want to buy and stay in forever!

    We’re so thankful!

    Quick funny story:
    I had to write a melody to a chord progression for my Commercial Songwriting class at CSU LA. I played it for Christy and she says, “Great. Now put some worship-song lyrics to it and maybe it can be your ‘Shout to the Lord’”. HAHAHA Right, dear…right…I’ll get right on that…

    Oh–and I turned down the faculty position at Cal Baptist for sure today. It didn’t feel like the right time.

  • Praise the Lord, I got a really good piano playing gig in Long Beach on Nov. 1st.  I’ll be playing for some lawyers and judges at a party down there, and charging an enormous amount of money. Hallelujah,  cause moving is expensive. I think we have to buy a new dryer, since we currently have an electric dryer and these hook-ups are for gas. Bummer.

    I’m pretty drained and stressed. So many details to take care of with so little time. Thank God my parents are coming down to help us move, and that Christy’s parents are coming to stay with Noah/the kids during Noah’s therapy. We also have a team of dudes coming from our church. I am very thankful for this.

    I’m also very thankful to my sweet wife, who in essence, is doing all of the work that holds our family together. I am working so much outside of the home, and she is pretty much doing all of the home stuff–taking care of the kids, Noah’s incredibly detailed correspondence with lawyers/regional centers/schools districts, and so on…

    I’m a little frustrated because our internet at home is off/on. I can’t print and use the internet at the same time without switching something, and this morning I couldn’t do either one no matter what. Farty internet…

    Hm-I didn’t enjoy 30 Rock. Sorry Tina Fey–You’re usually great, but this show is weird. However, contrary to what I’ve heard so far about Lost from other people, I liked it fine.

  • I am being attacked by spiders. No, it’s not funny, it’s horrible. I hate spiders. I’m not afraid of them (I wouldn’t say I’m arachniphobic) I just hate them, a LOT. I think these guys have it in for me or something. They must be communicating in some secret spider language about me, passing along my whereabouts and description or something. Seriously, it started with a spider underneath my desk when I got to work–now dead (may he rest in peace), THEN there was one crawling on my elbow during the community meeting today that I saw with my peripheral vision (thank God for peripheral vision…). I flung it off so quickly that my whole table laughed at me because it looked like I was spasm.  Then I’m typing my pop song analysis on the couch and I saw another one coming right for me! ARGH!! I swiftly rolled off the couch, laptop in hand, to safety and to find my flip flop on the ground waiting to be used as a weapon against the vile beast (God rest his soul). Yuck. Die spiders, die!

    I got to have lunch with Chuck today–it was good to talk and catch up after so long. It’s good to know people well enough that you can sit down and have a conversation with them after 6 or 10 months and feel like you talked to them yesterday. It’s nice to hear what he is doing in San Miguel Ranch and just all around super fun to hang out with an ole buddy!

    I saw Michael W. Smith in concert at Yorba Linda Friends Church on Sunday night. It was wonderful and amazing. He really is a living legend–with 19 albums and over 180 songs in about 25 years. We got to hear some of the songs from his newest album, and it’s incredible to hear new melodies coming out of a guy that’s been writing for so long. He really does still have it! Check out STAND when it hits stores on November 7th.

    I’m already working on the Concordia job for May 2007. It’s such a huge deal, and we’re all already brainstorming the whole thing. I downloaded a huge bunch of songs from iTunes the other day to do research on the theme. It was really cool. Oh iTunes, how I love thee…but really, what would I have done before iTunes to listen to all of the 50 songs from about 35 different albums? Go to the record store? I don’t know, I don’t even want to think about it. I love the future, and the future is now…speaking of the future, I’ve got to go to bed so I can wake up to watch HEROES on my iPod while working out…
    Yes…I love the future…

  • Wow-these guys are hot! And I don’t mean handsome…I mean musically–they are totally pros. The bassist is Stu Hamm. I guess he’s played with Joe Satriani and stuff. The drummer is Gigi Gonaway (see below). It is awesome!
    side note of vindication: We had two versions of an arrangement for this one song. The first was one I did that we worked really hard together on making just right. I put hours into this thing. Yesterday I got a call from the artist that said he wanted to go back to the original version that he wrote, and I was a little bit stunned (imagine my version sounding like The Fray’s “How to Save a Life” and the other just being a Shout to the Lord Chorus chord progression). I told him that my version was going to be better (not in so many words) and he finally agreed to record both versions.
    This morning we laid down mine first and it was good. Then we tried the other one. After the first take of it, he asked for feedback from the drummer and bass player (and guitarist) about which one they liked or thought worked better. They adamantly chose my version without even thinking! There were several remarks like “it’s a completely different song” and “this one has no place to go…” and so on. I’m not one to toot my horn, but I just have to say that I felt so vindicated–sometimes it pays to fight for something you believe in.

    I am in San Francisco right now at this place
    with the drummer for Mariah Carey, Whitney Housten, etc.. doing a
    project for an independent artist. It is pretty cool to be here. I love
    working in the studio. I probably have the most fun musically in a
    studio, and I’m not sure why. I guess I don’t get a real rush from
    performing live in front of an audience, and would rather work on the
    intricacies of music in a different environment. Hm, maybe I should be
    a producer…

    Artists like Alanis Morrisette, Vanessa Carlton, R.E.M., David Gray,
    and a ton others have recorded here.  I’m pretty stoked…I’ll be back
    home tonight…

  • Bomb Threat

    EDIT ADD: I received this just a short time ago…

     APU’s Department of Campus Safety working in conjunction with the Azusa Police
    Department established a perimeter to ensure the safety and security of our
    students, faculty, staff and community members. A suspicious package was
    identified and the LA County Sheriff’s Bomb Squad and Fire Department were
    With the
    LA County Fire Department on site, the Bomb Squad did a cautionary detonation
    with a suspicious package at 11:23 a.m. There was no secondary explosion, and no
    damage to the immediate area. 
    was granted to university officials 11:43 a.m. The Munson, Ronald
    and Warren buildings will reopen at 12:30p.m. today.

    We just had a meeting in our office and I just received this email. I’m not too scared about it, but nonetheless–it’s pretty cool that our University is big enough to have something like this happen to it. I think they are supposed to have it resolved by noon. The bomb squad is on it’s way…


    Shortly after 9:30 a.m. on Friday, October 13, 2006, the
    Department of Campus
    received a phone call regarding a bomb threat located in Munson Chapel, located on
    APU’s East Campus (Azusa Campus). Munson Chapel, the Ronald Center, and the
    Warren Building were immediately evacuated.

    The Azusa Police Department is currently on site, working in
    conjunction with APU’s Department of Campus Safety.

    The three buildings will remain closed until further
    notice. All classes have been canceled
    for today, Friday, October 13
    , so that we may ensure the complete
    safety of our students, faculty, staff, and community members.

    As additional
    information is available, it will be posted on
    the university’s Emergency Response website at
    as well as on
    the Emergency Hotline: (888) 451-5583.

  • Thanks for your comments on the last post. It is a heavy
    topic to me, and I’m glad to have gotten some feedback from you all on the
    subject. I’m going to start reading Erwin McManus’ book Unstoppable Force
    again. I’ve read part of it before and I really enjoyed it.

    My classes are great this quarter. I remember signing a plan
    for my grad program when I first got to the school and I was being advised by a
    woman is now currently my professor. There were a few options in the list of my
    major’s elective courses, and she automatically checked the box for Commercial
    Songwriting telling me that I would love the course. I told her that I’m really
    not a songwriter and I don’t think I’d enjoy it or do well…she signed me up for
    it anyways—well, I LOVE the course. It has already stretched me in ways I need
    to be stretched, and it’s not going to be as difficult as I’ve always thought
    it was in my head because we’re actually learning a process, and I’ve already
    had some good brainstorms. I am coming home from both nights of school really
    pumped. I usually call Christy on the way home and tell her about it. It’s

    30 Rock was a good show. It didn’t blow me away, but Tina
    Fey is a pretty smart writer. I liked the movie Mean Girls, and of course SNL,
    so I’m looking forward to what is in store for the future of 30 Rock—and the
    critics were raving about it, so it might stick around.

    Mike told me I really needed to watch Heroes because it was
    his new favorite show, or at least favorite new show. We had watched the pilot
    and half of the 2nd episode but Christy wanted to turn it off
    because it was a little too graphic for her taste, and I wasn’t really into it,
    so we did—but Mike called me just raving about it, so I downloaded the 3rd
    episode and watched it on my iPod while I worked out. It was awesome! Not only
    was the show pretty cool, I loved watching it while on the elliptical machine.
    The time passed quickly and I got a good 40 mins of aerobic exercise AND had
    fun! It was novel…

    9 days until we move.

  • Christy loves hip-hop now.  I’m not sure how to explain it, except that perhaps she started listening to it when we got our new van simply because KIIS FM is the only station where (and this is a pretty cool feature on our van)  the radio actually tells you the song and the artist that is currently playing. It shows up on the little display instead of just seeing the station frequency. Needless to say, I’m pretty sure that’s the only reason she’s listening to that station, and because she is listening to hip-hop constantly I think she’s grown to love it. Seriously, the other day I put on the Weird Al Yankovic album that just came out and her and Nathaniel start singing along with one of his parodies of a rap song, except they start singing the real lyrics.  It only got weirder when Nathaniel yells out from the backseat, “Hey! This isn’t the right song!” He was all disturbed that it was “White and Nerdy” instead of “Riding Dirty” or whatever…it was pretty hilarious.

    On a similar note, I downloaded two Eminem songs on Friday. Five years ago when I first started hearing about this dude I would have never believed that later I would download and like one or two of his songs, but I did, and I do. The first one was the one from the movie 8Mile, and they had a clean version of it, so I got that one (who needs all those F words anyways?). The second was the only video that iTunes had of his, a song called “When I’m Gone”. It is a sort of confessional (appropriate especially since in the video he is telling this story at what looks like an A.A. meeting, but is probably for some other recovery group) that talks about being too busy for family and a dream he has where his daughter confronts him about not being around enough for their family. It is just as good a message for workaholic dads as American Dream (Casting Crowns) or that Steven Curtis Chapman song about being too busy for your family. Kudos to a guy that normally sends a horrible message to the general public for penning a song with a great message. I get great joy out of seeing people that are wealthy and have influence use those things for good. Yay Eminem…

    I like my Pastor, a lot. We meet weekly to plan and brainstorm for the next week, and I have been enjoying our time more and more lately. Something interesting about him is that he has hearing loss. He wears hearing aids in both ears, so you have to talk pretty loudly to have him hear you. I just found myself yelling at him today at lunch, and I was thinking, “Man, I wonder if I’m disturbing anyone with all of my yelling about hymns…” “Don’t you think TO GOD BE THE GLORY WOULD FIT WELL HERE?” Hahaha…all that to say, I’m definitely connecting with him more–and that is a big deal to me.

    I watched a very interesting “New Adventures of Old Christine” tonight. It’s that show with Julia Louis Dreyfuss (you know, Elaine from Seinfeld). It was all about church, but in an interesting way. The dad takes the kid to church and she gets mad about it because she doesn’t like church because–get this–people that go to church never like people that don’t go to church, and they also hate gays. Now, there was a lot more to the episode, and it was all done in a great way (they end up going and she has a great time AND it turns out that she doesn’t like church because when she was little someone forgot to call her name at her confirmation and it scarred her) but here’s the point–I might be mad about this IF IT WEREN’T TRUE, but it is. Look around, how many unchurched friends do you have (if you go to church). Really. Do you have any? Do you hang out with them often? Socially, outside of work or whatever?
    The sad thing about all of the negative stuff coming out of Hollywood about Christianity lately is that 98% of the time it is correct. The stereotypes and all of that…it’s mostly correct, and there’s always somebody there to gripe about it and confirm their position. Ugh. It’s time to change, people. This world is not what it used to be, and unfortunately, most of the time, the church is pretty much dead to it.