Month: December 2005

  • Another EDIT ADD:
    Yeah, just to spite ALL OF YOU I’m going back to the apple bagel place today. Yep. AND I CAN’T WAIT! I’m gonna eat me some more bagels… SO THERE!

    you bunch freaks! The apple pie bagel is SOOOOOOO good. You just are scared and you don’t know what you’re talking about.

    Xanga land seems pretty quiet these last couple of weeks. I mean, people are posting and stuff, but it SEEMS like there is a lot less traffic on the pages. I guess people are spending time with their families and stuff like this and that and all of these things (in my best Arnold voice).

    FYI San Diegans: there is a freaky awesome bagel place at then end of Palm Ave, right before the 805 by KFC and McDonalds. It is up behind KFC and is called Big Apple Bagels. We have seen the sign there for a while and have been very excited. It finally opened up a couple of weeks ago and we went for the first time on Tuesday. I loved it. They have incredible muffins and bagels. I had a sandwich that was very tasty AND I got this Apple Pie Bagel and it was delightful. Seriously. You have to go try the bagels. The Apple Pie one was like eating a piece of Apple Pie and a bagel smashed together.

    Also- check out my new pic and cool colors!

    Back to packing!

  • Packing, packing, packing.

    I’d say we’re about half done. Nathaniel’s room is empty (not clean) and Noah’s room is pretty close to empty (not clean). The kitchen is %90 packed and so is a lot of our other stuff. MAN, one can acquire mounds of junk in one’s life if one is not careful…can you say donations to Rose’s Thrift Shop??
    SO much to do…

  • Merry Christmas everyone!

    …and goodbye Christmas. It was nice. Thank you to all who showered us with gifts. This year we didn’t spend a whole bunch on presents for people (our kids included) ’cause we’re moving and stuff. It was awesome to still have some presents for Nathaniel & Noah from our friends and family. Thanks to all!! It was very special. We feel very blessed to have all of you in our life!

    Pray for us as we move this weekend to our apartment in West Covina. Also, I have a job interview on Jan 5th for a job I’d love to have. Thanks for all your prayers and support!


    Mike got me a Napoleon Dynamite action figure, and on the wrapping it said:
    To: Daniel
    From: None of your business, GOSH!
    Now, Mike’s never seen Napoleon, and seems to be an anti-Napoleon-ite. But secretly he wants to see it, I know it…

    We got Nathaniel a bike and he was trying to ride it outside, but apparently we put the training wheels on too high so he was just pedaling furiously without going anywhere ’cause the back wheel of the bike wasn’t even touching the ground. We laughed HARD about that one. It was WAY funny….

    Watching the SNL clip in church today. I mean, when does THAT happen? Sweet.

    All the giftcards and cash from  everyone. Way cool. You guys are the best! I’ve been cherishing my giftcards and appreciate them. Yay for cool presents!
    Thanks again!

    Two Carmel Macchiatos. One upon arrival to the OC, and one on the way home from the OC. Thank you Starbucks for being open ’til 9PM even on Christmas!

    Seeing Noah begin to connect more with us and communicate more. He has been repeating and mimicking more lately with us. Saying more words and having more eye contact. If you know anything about Autism, you know that’s huge…YUGE!
    It has been a joy to watch, truly. I tried to imaging what Noah might be like at this age if he hadn’t had autism. He’d be talking and playing with his brother and…man, just thinking about it drives me to tears sometimes! I so much want Noah to have a great life, and with that desire comes the urgency to get him into a program in LA that will help his development process. I can’t wait to get him some help and into the right program. I love him so much!

    Merry Christmas!

  • Mmmmm…yummy Battlestar Galactica.
     Thank you to Gilbert Sepulveda and iTunes for the first and second seasons…(respectively). This show is the best thing in Sci-fi since Star Trek: TNG. Sorry, it just is. Granted, Roswell was a blast, and ST: Voyager had some great moments–but they are NOTHING compared to this show.

    If you like Sci-fi at all, watch this show. If you have iTunes, do it now. NOW. They are only $1.99 per episode…and I swear, Apple would do well to hire me for something, I’m like their unofficial spokesman. Like that Wendy’s guy, but WAY cooler, ’cause he was a super-geek.

    HEY! Don’t  even think about it…

    Thank to my Mom, we purchased THREE DVD’s from Blockbuster tonight, and I only spent  93 cents. Yippee! Thanks mom! I’m looking forward to Christmas with the Kranks, The Longest Yard, and Million Dollar Baby. Never seen the last two…

    Only one more shopping day ’til Holiday!

    hee hee  :)

    Here’s the deal–King Kong was 3 hours and 8 minutes and
    everyone is whining about there being too much character development
    and that it’s way too long. NOW everyone is whining about Narnia being
    too short and not enough character development, even though it clocked
    in at 2 hours and 32 minutes (approximately).
    I’m just sayin is all…

    Make up your minds people! And stop griping so much!!

    Just a quick thank you to all of you that have showered us with love and gifts this season. We are very privileged to have all of you. Hopefully you are all having a great Christmas season, complete with lots of time off and time spent with family. Remember, it’s not Christmas “until we gather ’round that old piano, singing songs of joy again…” yuck! HA! Sorry, you will not get that reference unless you sang with us at the MUSICalifornia premiere we did this past year. Some people liked that song, but I really loathed it…sorry!

    Ok- my mom is so sweet. She sent Christy and I this whole envelope full of gift cards. It was awesome! Gift cards to Starbucks, Chili’s, Blockbuster…but then I posted this whole thing about throwing my Blockbuster card away and never renting movies, and blah blah blah…and my parents faithfully read my blog (thanks mom & dad!). She was very sad about it but I told her, “Heck no! I’ll totally use those gift cards! Blockbuster has GREAT deals on used DVDs to BUY”. So, sorry for the confusion–thanks mom for the Christmas presents! I BUY DVDs at Blockbuster all the time…so it is a great gift! THANKS!!!

    Merry Christmas to all…

    Oh yeah-stay tuned for the SNL Holiday Medley in church this Sunday…no Trump part-but the song is there…I can’t wait!! Yay!

    I kicked bootay tonight at NERTZ. Once again, proving my thoery that Germans love Daniel Hasselhoff…errr..I mean, that I rule all of San Diego NERTZ! I am officially the Nertzi. HA!

    Quick notes:

    –Got a job interview at APU for Grad Enrollment Counselor. Dude- I’m so excited!! It’s Jan 5th, so pray!

    –Noah going to Dr.’s again today and tomorrow: see Christy’s blog for more details…

    –Been a crazy day planning for Christmas music, and for pretty much all of January…

    –Saw The Family Stone on Sunday night. I liked it a lot for the girly movie that it was. I have many more thoughts on this movie, but now is not the time…

    –Joli says that all of the men she loves and respects in her life have vasectomies and that I should get one too…hmmm…OK, so there’s a LOT more to that story, but it just sounds so wonderful I had to share it with you all!!!

    –Oh yeah, and evidently Mike hates Jack Black.

    –I’m going to rule all of San Diego tonight at NERTZ. Just wait and see…

    –Also: Small Group Christmas party.
    One of the most precious times in my life. Everyone talked about how God impacted their life through us and our small group over the past couple of years. It is amazing to see how God has moved in people’s lives around us, and an honor to be a part of it. It blows me away how much God has changed lives in our group, it constantly amazes me. Let me tell you this also-one of the best things for our spiritual lives has been our small group. I can’t hardly imagine life without it now. I don’t know how people make it through life without the support and love we have experienced with our group. They are God’s hands and feet to us. What a blessing you all have been! Thank you! I’ll always remember that night!

  • I CAN’T GET THE KING KONG SONG OUT OF MY HEAD!! No-I’m not talking about the movie soundtrack, I’m talking about Jack Black’s song on SNL this past weekend. Boy, it’s SO catchy!! We seriously played it about seven times this morning in the car…finally Nathaniel pipes in “Can I listen to my spider-man song now, please?”. Well…Ok, but just once. Then back to KING KONG!

    So today I finally popped open the Christmas Cards from the choir/orchestra/tech team that were given to us on the night of the performance (yes, over a week ago). The reason I waited this long was because I wanted to make sure that I had time to read each comment and not just do a quick glance-over type of thing. It was very sweet. Let me say thank you again to all of you that were a part of the money-giving and card-signing. I’ll make sure I keep these cards tucked away in a safe place so that anytime I need some encouragement or something I can pop them out and read them again! You guys have truly blessed our family more than you know!

    Things are hitting a little harder now that we are packing up and getting ready to go. Although I’ll still be at Midway for a little bit on the weekends, nothing will ever be the same. It is bitter-sweet. I will miss you all so much, but I also know that this is what God wants, and I am really excited about going back to school. On that note: I REGISTERED FOR CLASSES TODAY! Yippee!! Thank you for the $$$ MPC&O. I paid for my school a few days ago, waited the appropriate time for the $$ to get processed in their system (3 days) and regisered online this morning! It was very exciting! My first day of school is Thursday, Jan 5th. The semester starts on Jan 3rd, but my classes are on Mondays and Thursdays…just be praying for a full-time job up there somewhere…

    We really need help cleaning and moving on Dec 30th-31st. If you can, we’d love your help! I’ve already got a few guys with trucks that are helping out, which is awesome! But if you can lend a hand, it’d be super-helpful! We have to be COMPLETELY cleaned up and moved out by NOON on Dec 31st ’cause we have to meet with the people at our new APT before 3PM that day to get our keys…yikes!

    Alright, peace out!

  • Psalm 139:1-6 (The Message)

     GOD, investigate my life; get all the facts firsthand.
     I’m an open book to you;

        even from a distance, you know what I’m thinking.

    You know when I leave and when I get back;

        I’m never out of your sight.

    You know everything I’m going to say

        before I start the first sentence.

    I look behind me and you’re there,

        then up ahead and you’re there, too–

        your reassuring presence, coming and going.

    This is too much, too wonderful–

        I can’t take it all in!

  • Jack Black hosted SNL last night, and I gotta say that he is SO talented. Now, I’m not a huge Jack Black fan or anything, it’s not like I’ve really even seen him in any movies (except King Kong and maybe a couple of others) but he is a freaking good song writer! He wrote this song called “King Kong” for his monologue and it was just so good–musically, and for entertainment value. Wow. Such a talent for songwriting, which I respect because I cannot write a song to save my life…Ok, I wrote one song that was good, called “My Time Machine”. It was for a Theory I project and it was a HUGE hit. I mean, we sang it for MONTHS in Male Chorale…those guys loved it.

    What was it about, you ask? The Delorean from Back to the Future. Yes. We were supposed to write a love song, and I wrote about my favorite time machine…it was awesome…good times, good times…

    anyways-I’m no Jack Black–so I REALLY respect his ability to write a tune. Good work, crazy Jack!

  • Last night Christy and I went on a date. Our goal was to leave the house at around 3:30PM-get up to Mission Valley where Kathy (the trumpet player at our church–well, OK, one of the many trumpet players–but the GIRL trumpet player…) would give me a haircut. THEN go over and catch two movies, YES TWO movies-’cause Christy and I are movie FREAKS. Probably me more than her, but for us both it is definitely a place to escape into another world…movies…

    a quick side note: we don’t ever rent movies, ever. Never, ever ever. I just actually threw away my Blockbuster card because it was taking up valuable space in my back pocket. I know, weird, huh? We go see any movies we want to see at the theater. We are one of the few who take advantage of the movie-going experience. And let me tell you, it’s really getting to become a worse and worse experience every time. There’s too many idiots talking and checking their cell phones in the middle of the movie. No I don’t want to see your flip phone from 50 feet away while King Kong is mashing in a dinosaur’s head. It’s distracting. STOP it. and STOP TALKING! ARGH!
    This has been another special edition of Daniel Yelling at the World. Now back to our regular bloggramming…

    Yeah, so we never rent movies. We see them at the theater. SO back to the original story…we saw King Kong (which gets two thumbs up for me, despite it’s length, which I don’t really mind, actually). I had WAY too much movie food. We got a large popcorn and a drink for Christy, plus I got a milkduds and a water. That was around $16 (for the food, not including admission). BUT since it was dinnertime in the middle of the movie, I was still a little hungry. So I got us each a pretzel in the middle of the movie, and myself another milkduds. Milkduds are my new favorite candy, although no person should eat that many in ANY one movie…even if it’s a long one…by that time I was REALLY full and had spent a good $25 total at the concession stand. AND by the end of the movie (at 8PM) we were both really tired so we just went home. And that was OK with me because the other movie was going to be a girly movie anyways…
    But I love my wife so much! She went to see King Kong with me and didn’t go to her movie, even though we had bought the tickets online already. It’s ok, we’ll go soon, and we got the tickets refunded no problem.

    Side Note: I now have 302 MovieWatcher points in my account. I get 2 for every ticket I buy, and you can’t get more than 4 points in a day, so add up how many movies I went to see in the last 3 years…and it’s staggering…THIS is why we never rent movies…which is cool, ’cause renting movies is SOOOOO expensive!!!