Month: January 2005

  • I’m watching this movie on a date with my wife, and I must say that it is one of the lamest movies I’ve seen since “From Justin to Kelly” (which was actually a little more lame…)
    Characters are unbelievable, the story is a carbon copy of the other President’s daughter flick that came out last year-the one with Mandy Moore- and it’s just plain stupid.
    But I love having dates with my wife!! NO matter what the movie…

    I’m SUPER excited about the Choral Clinic that I’m going to with about 20 of our choir members. I better get to sleep though…

  • Christy and B-Noah are sick today, YIKES.
    Nathaniel woke up early and is watching PBS (thank God for PBS!!)

    I am pleasantly surprised by the # of people going to sing at Rose Drive with Doc Bonner this Sat from the Midway Praise Choir. I’m totally excited!!! I think this will be an incredible time of growth for us all!!

    Can’t write anymore now…
    Lost was a rerun and our other VCR didn’t tape American Idol, so I got nothing to report…

  • One thing I love about the Purpose Driven studies is that they give you daily scripture readings that go along with the lesson you have learned that week in your small group. I like that…

    Choir was spectacular last night! Although not one of the dozen people I invited show up (oh, wait–one did!) it didn’t actually matter to me! We got to make some great music with the CORE COMMITTED group, and it was refreshing. It was also partly due to the fact that I was reminded of some great techniques just the other day by the good ‘ole Doc. Even though that guys has flaws, he still has a spark about the way he makes music…THAT’s called talent…
    In addition, I pushed our folks to submit to the one picture, my picture–and it worked. Thank you MPC members…and perhaps standing mixed up helped too! But anyways, what a fantastic practice-if you weren’t there, you really missed an amazing time. I wish more people knew that being in the MPC really is life changing…

    Gotta go-emergency all-staff meeting today a good 45min before I usually go to work, so I’ve gotta blog short…hasta!

  • Got this CD from the BMG music club-it only cost me a penny!!!!

    Read this quick and profound snippit of John Fischer’s PDL daily devo:
    The gospel message has gotten a little foggy these days with all the attention being paid to politics, family values, and culture wars, and a lot of folks have lost track of the fact that it’s all about Jesus. Ask the man on the street what a Christian is today and you’re likely to ask a long time until you hear anything about Jesus or the cross. Our message, from beginning to end, is Jesus—who He was, what He said, and what He did.

    Jesus came to save us, unite us, and teach us to love one another. We’ve added a lot of other stuff to this and I’m not so sure it’s helping us do what we’re supposed to be doing. If it makes you more loving to your neighbor, then it’s probably a good thing. If it makes you your neighbor’s enemy, then it’s probably not. If it’s all about Jesus, then it’s definitely “right on!”
    There’s a lot more to this devo inbetween these two paragraphs, and it’s great stuff. I love JF’s perspective and his style. I, myself, hear far too much junk about Christians that is purely political and cultural, and I rarely hear about Jesus…who, himself, is the whole point…duh….

    We started our small group again last night. It was great! We’re doing a new study on 1 Thessalonians (by PD)–it was cool! The first lesson was about encouraging spiritual growth in others around you (‘How to be Spiritual Fertalizer”) and one of the things they said that hit me and stuck was to pray for spiritual needs and not so much for physical needs. Duh…but you just don’t think about that sometimes…Our church REALLY emphasizes physical stuff. This person is sick and that person’s having surgery, but we RARELY pray for spiritual growth. I love this concept!!! Duh…(again).

    One of the discussion questions was concerning a mentor or someone who modeled the Christian life for you–my people included folks like DANIEL and ALYSSA GLUCK (are you out there, anywhere??) I love those guys. There would literally be situations Christy and I would face and we would say to each other, “I wonder what Daniel and Alyssa would do about this…” If you’re out there Daniel…WE MISS YOU and we can’t find you, either…
    Some other folks were my dad and mom, who, of course, were great influences on shaping me as a child and young adult. They taught me a lot about loving the Lord. Some others include Greg Garner, and Al Clifft. God job guys–and thank you for your influence.

    Hebrews 10:24 (NIV)
    “And let us consider how we may spur one another on toward love and good deeds.”

  • Well…
    I’m embarrassed…
    I’m ashamed…
    The new girl (Tina) beat Mike and I at Nertz…It was soo humiliating…
    Ok…it was close there for a while, I almost won, but she beat us both…Mark this day in your calendar…

    Small group begins again tonight at my house, we are doing a PD study on 1 Thessalonians…it’ll be good!!!!

    Psalm 30:
    4 Sing to the LORD , you saints of his;
        praise his holy name.
    5 For his anger lasts only a moment,
        but his favor lasts a lifetime;
        weeping may remain for a night,
        but rejoicing comes in the morning.
    11 You turned my wailing into dancing;
        you removed my sackcloth and clothed me with joy,
    12 that my heart may sing to you and not be silent.
        O LORD my God, I will give you thanks forever.

    Why are some people-often people in power-insecure enough to be overbearingly controlling? This is a bad quality in a leader, because when you are insecure and controlling, you are usually easily angered, manipulative, and your leadership squealches the rest of the team. This is not an atmosphere of gowth.
    I saw a little insight into Dr. Bonner this time around. He is scared of Christy and I, and I think it’s because we were taught by Al and he can’t count on us to be loyal to him. Even though we are at all his seminars and reading sessions, he doesn’t ask us questions because he’s not sure what we are going to say…he is frightened that we may say something that isn’t in support of him and that would hurt his feelings–because he is insecure in his leadership…it was enlightening.
    But I know other leaders like this, and that also frightens me. I hear from person after person about why their job didn’t work out, or why this company or that company wen’t under or why a church is suffering–and every time it has to do with bad leadership. Mostly with folks who are insecure and make bad choices cause they can’t let stuff go or are too jealous to let someone else succeed with an idea they didn’t have (or in some cases, they’re just corrupt).
    Praise the Lord that I’m secure in myself because I feel like I’m doing what God wants me to do. Unfortunately, the stress of being in the leader role for me (and being a follower also) is very stressful sometimes and hurts my joy…just a confession. I’m having a hard time having pure joy lately. I’m not sure exactly what it is, but it’s tough sometimes. You guys can pray for me. And i’ll pray that God will turn my mourning into dancing-to remove my sackcloth and clothe me with joy, that my heart may sing to you [God] and not be silent…

    As for you bad leaders, you stink.

  • OK, so it wasn’t exactly 3 steaks…it was more like my little petite filet, and then two pieces of other peoples, which of course = 3 steaks….get it!
    BUt i was very full…ahhhh back to balance….
    Psalm 29-
    Ascribe to the Lord, O mighty ones,
    ascribe to the Lord glory and strength.
    Ascribe to the Lord the glory due his name;
    worship the Lord in the splendor of his holiness.

    The Lord sits enthroned over the flood;
    the Lord is enthroned as King forever.
    The Lord gives strength to his people;
    the Lord blesses his people with peace.

    Theres a lot more to the Psalm in between the opening and closing passages (above). But for me, these parts were the coolest. I see the line from the Hillsong song “STILL” in this Psalm…
    “When the oceans rise and thunders roar
    I will soar with you above the storm
    Father you are King over the flood
    I will be still and know you are God.”

    Beautiful song…you should check it out if you haven’t heard it..from the album HOPE.

  • Christy and I just got back from MUSIC QUEST, a 2-day music-reading seminar with Doctor Bonner at Cal Baptist Riverside. I must say that I am suprised at what he has done with the place. Through loyalties from old students and an incredible amount of $ the school has allotted for his program, he’s been able to recruit the sons and daughters of the talented people he taught 20 and 30 years ago at APU. In addition, he sells his program like you wouldn’t believe. I must say that I’m suprised he is succeeding. Two years ago we went to the same seminar, and he shared his frustrations with us. It sounded to me like the kids just weren’t buying what he was selling, and I thought for sure he was just too old for this to work. I was wrong. Good job, Doc.

    Now, in no way does this make me a “Bonnor-ite”. Just reporting what I saw…their UCO sang very well, again, I was pleasently suprised (the orchestra was really out of tune, though). Their rendition of “Who Can Satisfy?” gave me goose-bumps—which I RARELY get from any muscial experience, and I found another couple of GREAT tunes, also. Props.

    I saw this guy there in the choir and I kept telling Christy, “this guy’s really famiiar” and she kept saying “eveyone looks familiar-they just look like APU students” so I just dismissed it…BUT THEN, in a conversation in front of the whole group, we find out he transferred over from APU. OH, I WIN!!!! So I talked to him, and it turns out he’s a grad student at CBU and was totally in UCO at APU for three years–2 with Al, and 1 with Rod. So we’ve totally seen him in concerts and stuff since I graduated. AND that puts him in Male Chorale my Senior year at APU. Duh, I totally saw him around town…oh, how gratifying…

    I love Jud Bonnor! That guy is hilarious…I played piano for Jud’s choirs when he taught H.S. music at Covina High. He had a great program and it was fun and challenging to play for him, but it was SUPER fun to hang out with him again. I LOVE IT!

    I also had steak last night for dinner….yummmy. I only eat steak about once a year. I ate mine so fast that everyone gave me some of theirs in pity…so I ate like 3 steaks + dessert…I am still soooooooo full, and I don’t think my arteries will ever recover…anyone up for a jog?

    btw-found some GREAT choir tunes…what a fun and rewarding seminar. We sang through close to 80 pieces of music in two days. It was so refreshing and beneficial. I can’t wait to sing those songs at Midway!

  • Quick comments on TV:
    Thank the universe that Jonathon and Victoria are finally gone from Amazing Race. Watching that show was sooo un-fun while they were on it; and I must say, I feel sorry for them and their pitiful relationship-no doubt an abusive one.
    American Idol was good. This part of the show is always the most fun part–seeing all of the people audition…I wonder how they do that whole process. ’cause they DON’T just put the really good ones through.

    Choir practice was great!! I can hardly say all the good things about it…the last two songs were really incredible! I cannot wait for Easter! The songs in the ALIVE FOREVER collection are so anointed! Great job choir…

    Psalm 25…
    1 To you, O LORD , I lift up my soul;
        2 in you I trust, O my God.
    4 Show me your ways, O LORD ,
        teach me your paths;
        5 guide me in your truth and teach me,
        for you are God my Savior,
        and my hope is in you all day long.
        6 Remember, O LORD , your great mercy and love,
        for they are from of old.

    I love the emphasis on the Lord here…David isn’t focusing on himself, but the Lord, rather. Show me YOUR ways, teach me YOUR paths, YOUR truth, and my hope is in YOU. And David also tells that his hope is in Christ ALL DAY LONG. Not just when things are good, or bad…or when he’s busy…but ALL day. That thought is kinda reminiscent of the earlier Psalm that says “I have set the Lord always before me” (Psalm 16:8).

    I do need your guidence, Lord.

  • HA HA HA HA HA (lol)

    I love this actor *Steve Carell* …(see profile pic) he cracks me up beyond belief…and he’ll be starring in Bewitched this summer with buddy Will Farrell…ohhh, hilarious
    He’ll also be starring in another WF movie, Melinda and Melinda, by Woody Allen…I’ve never seen a WA flick, but I hear you either love ‘em or hate ‘em, and I might hate ‘em…who knows…

    “mmmm, I just burnt my tongue” -Brick Tamland

    Psalm 24
    a pretty incredible one…I’ve heard songs (like “Lift up your Heads” by Tommy Walker) from this one…but it seems like the first part of this Psalm gives some preety clear instruction on who is to enter the presence of the Lord…
    only someone who:
    1) Has CLEAN HANDS: or guitless actions
    2) Has a PURE HEART: or right attitudes and motives
    3) Doesn’t lift up his soul to idols: or worship or put trust in idols (this means anything BUT the Lord…
    4) Swear by what is FALSE: or falsely, like lying, or more specifically, like perjury.

    SOooo on Sunday mornings before we get to church, have we a right heart? Have we asked for forgiveness for sins (and continue to do so as we come to church)?. Do we come in prepared to worship and enter the presence of the Lord? If WE Don’T, WE MUST!

  • So Christy and I watched this sci-fi flick ^ that I saw when it came out back in college. Boy, I didn’t remember it being so slow…it was a good concept, it just moved really slow…

    The music at church seemed to be cool yesterday…I don’t really know what other people think because I hardly ever get feedback from anyone. Are you all scared?? What’s the deal? Just send an email or something? “Daniel, um, the music was cool” or “what were you thinking??”. I don’t care, just a little feedback would be nice, ’cause I really have a hard time knowing how things are going.

    Happy Monday.